Main Building

Finance and Administrative Services

Office of the EVP, Treasurer & COO 

Welcome to Drexel University’s Office of the Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer.  We are responsible for the financial management of the assets of Drexel University and all of its auxiliaries in accordance with government regulations and University policy, as well as critical functions and services that support and advance Drexel’s living, learning and working environment. We ensure Drexel University has the resources to fulfill its mission. 
Helen Bowman headshot

Helen Y Bowman


Executive Vice President, Treasurer & COO
Main Building
Suite 225
3141 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Quote-gradient The goals outlined in our strategic plan are essential to maintaining Drexel’s position as a national leader and a Philadelphia anchor institution, and they are supported by our annual budget. I am proud that we have positioned the University to fulfill its mission in the changing landscape of higher education, and that we have done it collaboratively.
Helen Y. Bowman, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer