Accepting Applications for Drexel Faculty Recognition Awards
This message was sent to all faculty on January 23, 2024.
The Office of Research & Innovation and the Office of Faculty Advancement are pleased to announce the 2023-2024 Faculty Recognition Awards. While we continue to address our current budget challenges, we recognize the significance of these awards and are committed to recognizing and supporting the ongoing development of our faculty. We look forward to celebrating all our awardees, along with tenure and promotion recipients, at a reception on Wednesday, May 29.
Below please find brief descriptions of the awards we will be making this year. Additional details and application deadlines can be found on the InfoReady site by clicking on the link for each award.
An information session to discuss award guidelines will be offered virtually on
Monday, January 29, 2024
10 – 11 a.m.
Please RSVP by Friday, January 26, 2024
- Provost Award for Outstanding Scholarly Productivity. This award recognizes tenured faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to their scholarly field and have demonstrated leadership in this respect. Awards are made at the Early, Mid and Advanced career levels. Additional eligibility criteria apply. Each of these awards has a $5,000 monetary award.
- Provost Award for Pedagogical Innovation. This award recognizes full-time faculty at Drexel who have implemented outstanding innovations in teaching and learning. Pedagogical innovation refers to the development of new ways of teaching, delivering curricula, interdisciplinary methods, or interfacing with the community or the workforce to create and implement novel courses and learning experiences. This award has a $5,000 monetary award.
- Provost Award for Undergraduate Teaching Impact. This award recognizes full-time faculty at Drexel who have made a distinctive impact through excellence in teaching primarily at the first- or second-year undergraduate level. This award has a $5,000 monetary award.
- Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching. This award recognizes outstanding teaching by full-time members of the Drexel University faculty. Additional eligibility criteria apply. This award has a $4,000 monetary award.
- Adjunct Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. This award recognizes an adjunct faculty member who exemplifies the highest quality of teaching and mentorship of students. This award has up to a $500 monetary award.
- Faculty Summer Research Award. This award provides all full-time faculty members with the opportunity to pursue research activities that are aligned with the Areas of Excellence & Opportunity and will enhance recipients’ careers as well as increase their contributions to Drexel. These awards will come with a $1,000 to $7,000 monetary award.
- Scholarly Materials and Research Equipment Awards. These awards, open to all tenured and tenure-track faculty members, are for the acquisition of materials, equipment, software, systems, library collections or other non-personnel items that will enhance the research activities within Drexel’s Areas of Excellence & Opportunity. Additional eligibility criteria apply. These awards will come with a $1,000 to $10,000 monetary award.
Questions regarding these awards should be directed to