Request an Appointment with Career Services

Set yourself up to succeed by scheduling a meeting with Career Services as soon as possible.

We encourage you to begin thinking about a job after graduation during the summer before your senior year. But wherever you are, we can help.

During an appointment we can:

  • Ensure that your career is headed in the right direction
  • Ease the stress and anxiety which can be common at this point
  • Review your résumé, cover letter, or curriculum vitae
  • Enhance your professional social media presence
  • Improve your LinkedIn profile and guide you as you take networking to the next level
  • Develop a job search strategy that will lead you to a great position
  • Steer you towards the databases, search engines, and job search resources at your fingertips
  • Illuminate the professional organizations that will connect you with your field
  • Build upon your existing interview skills
  • Educate you on the best salary negotiation strategies

A one-on-one session in person, via phone, or Zoom will take your job search to the next level.

Schedule an Appointment

Additional Resources

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
The office is closed daily from 12 p.m.–1 p.m.