Office of Research Development

We convene, connect, and curate so you can create impact.

Research Development initiates and nurtures critical processes, partnerships, and alliances to enable interdisciplinary research and facilitate research excellence.

Gwynne Grasberger


Associate Vice Provost, Research Development
3250 Chestnut Street
Suite 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Quote-gradient A crucial step to increasing research impact is aligning strengths with opportunities. Research Development positions Drexel faculty engaged in interdisciplinary sponsored research, scholarship, and creative activities to compete.
Gwynne Grasberger
Research Development provides an informed picture of the funding landscape, evaluates research team readiness for success, and recommends strategies to build and develop a competitive edge.
Research Development supports research teams by connecting people and assets through meetings, colloquia, symposia, training and networking events. By convening, individuals build connections and develop working relationships that help position research teams for successful, collaborative proposals.
A professional, well-executed proposal provides a competitive edge when seeking funding. We provide proposal management that empowers the research team to deliver a compelling narrative utilizing words, images, and storytelling strategy.

Upcoming Events

Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm

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